Hello Friends! Greetings from Arthvidya Wealth Mantra!!! Hope you are all safe and healthy.
Today we are going to share information of a company from slightly different or we can say un-noticed sector for you. This particular company is very undervalued, and still largely unknown. Not many people who invest in the stock market know about this company. The company’s products are exported to more than 30 countries around the world, and all of the company’s products are exported. (EOU). Let’s discuss the company in detail.

Company Name: – Coastal Corporation Limited
BSE Code: 501831
NSE Code: This Company is not listed on NSE
Current Stock Price – 171 (as on 07-05-2021)
Sector – Aquaculture
About the company – The Company was started in the 1990s, with over 30 years of experience. The main product of this company is shrimp (Sea-food) The company produces, processes and distributes shrimps. They also make its food. The company produces two categories of shrimps, Raw Shrimp and Cooked Shrimp. Our country’s annual seafood exports are Rs 47,000 Crore. India alone accounts for 40% of the world’s total exports.
Company Financial Data-
Sales last 5 Years
FY2015-16 = ₹ 336 Cr
FY2016-17 = ₹ 489 Cr
FY2017-18 = 614 Cr
FY2018-19 = ₹ 604 Cr
FY2019-20 = 601 Cr
(Company sales are increasing YoY)
Profits Last 5 Years
FY2015-16 = ₹ 6.84 Cr
FY2016-17 = 9.70 Cr
FY2017-18 = 23.90 Cr
FY2018-19 = ₹ 37.90 Cr
FY2019-20 = 34.80 Cr
(The company’s annual profit is also increasing)
Current Market Cap = ₹ 183 C
Share Capital = ₹ 10 Cr
No. of shares issued = 1 cr
EPs = 20 per share
P / E = 8 times
Book Value = ₹ 165 per share
ROE = 26%
ROCe = 20%
Debt = Under control
Growth Potential =
1. Global Demand
2. Foreign Currency
3. Govt Capex plan 50,000 Cr in next 5 years
3. Govt Capex plan 50,000 Cr in next 5 years
4. Client base From – US, China, Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, European Union, South America, etc.
5. Protein Demand for Immunity
6. Price Hike
7. Low Competition
8. Never Ending Story
Conclusion/Summary – In this stock you have to do SIP for a period of 1 to 1.5 years which means you have to keep buying these shares for a certain period of time i.e. monthly, fortnightly or weekly basis as per your choice and/or capacity.
Target – This stock is expected to become a Multibagger in the next 5 years.
This type of study is called Fundamental Analysis. Join the Fundamental Analysis course with Arthvidya Wealth Mantra today to learn how to analyze companies fundamentally.
Raj Kamble, Fundamental Analyst, Arthvidya Wealth Mantra
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www.arthvidya.in / info@arthvidya.in
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Superb study method to understand SHARE MARKET it helps to bigner to enter confidently in this RISKY filed.Keep it up Sir, and wish you a Good Luck for your further Research.